Accessible Homes Australia is a Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) provider to eligible Australian’s participating in the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
We create and manage accessible homes within everyday communities, which can be tailored and modified to suit individual needs.
There is an immediate need to provide housing solutions to these Australians so they can enjoy a better of quality of life, greater social interaction, more independence, and freedom of choice.
For eligible participants of the SDA, funding is now available for providers, like AHA, to offer specialist housing to those who need it. This exciting initiative finally offers people with specialist housing needs the opportunity to live with more abundance, connectivity, and choice. A right that every Australian should enjoy.
The founder of Accessible Homes Australia is Perry Cross AM, a C2 ventilated quadriplegic who was injured in a football tackle at the age of 19. For the first 25 years, after sustaining his injury, Perry lived with his family, originally residing in his parents’ home, moving onto his sister’s, and then his brother’s home for support. It was simply never an option for Perry to live in his own home, until SDA was implemented.

With the new world that the SDA offered, Perry could finally contemplate the question of, “what if?”. What if he could live with more independence? What if he could enjoy more freedom? What if he could be immersed in a central, everyday neighbourhood where he could visit a cafe? What if he could enjoy a life in a purpose built home to support his specialist accommodation needs? That was a question that was met with anticipation and naturally, a lot of nerves.
Perry now looks back on his decision with sheer gratitude. As an approved participant of the SDA – he was able to access and move into his new apartment provided by AHA. For the first time in his life, he has a place to call his own home. The new lease on life he feels is one that, he says, only someone with specialist needs can actually describe.
Perry is now passionate about helping others living with supported living needs to find their own home and so, Accessible Homes Australia was born. Perry invited partners to join him at AHA who are all property, housing and building industry veterans. Their collective aim is to assist participants in navigating the SDA’s eligibility and registration process and provide high quality design and building plans that meet both the scheme’s strict criteria, and the participants’ individual care needs. The AHA team will also deliver the design, construction, and completion of a home so that it may be granted to an SDA participant as that person’s home.
Meet The Team

Perry Cross AM

Tom Ray

Tim Douglas

Jason Doerr

Brianna Barry GAICD

Cathy Shilpzand